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Found 9 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h Deutsch (de)==Einrichten der Szenerie==
#Wechsle zum [[Image:Workbench_Robot.svg|24px]][[Robot Workbench/de|Roboter Arbeitsbereich]]
#Erstelle ein neues Dokument, durch auswählen {{KEY|Datei}} → {{KEY| Neu}} im oberen Menü
#Füge einen Kuka IR500 Roboter in die Szene ein, durch auswählen {{KEY|Roboter}} → {{KEY|Roboter einfügen}} → {{KEY|Kuka IR500}} aus dem oberen Menü
#Wechsle zur axonometrischen Ansicht, durch anklicken auf die [[Image:View-axometric.svg|24px]]  Schaltfläche 
#Zoom um alles anzupassen durch Klicken auf [[Image:Std_ViewFitAll.svg|24px]] [[Std ViewFitAll/de|Alle anpassen]] Schaltfläche
#Speichere deine Datei ...
 h English (en)==Setting up the scene==
#Switch to the [[Image:Workbench_Robot.svg|24px]] [[Robot Workbench]]
#Create a new document by choosing {{KEY|File}} → {{KEY| New}} from the top menu
#Insert a Kuka IR500 robot into the scene by choosing {{KEY|Robot}} → {{KEY|Insert Robots}} → {{KEY|Kuka IR500}} from the top menu
#Change to axonometric view by clicking on the [[Image:View-axometric.svg|24px]] button
#Zoom to fit all by clicking on [[Image:Std_ViewFitAll.svg|24px]] [[Std ViewFitAll|FitAll]] button
#Save your file ...
 h español (es)[[Category:Tutorials/es]]
 h français (fr)== Installation de la scène ==
#Cliquer sur [[Robot_Workbench/fr|Robot Workbench]]
#Créer un nouveau document en choisissant {{KEY|File}} → {{KEY|New}} dans menu
#Insert un Kuka IR500 le robot dans la scène en choisissant {{KEY|Robot}} → {{KEY|insert Robots}} → {{KEY|Kuka IR500}} du menu 
#Changer à vue axonométrique en cliquant sur [[Image:View-axometric.png|32px]]
#Zoomer pour adapter tout en cliquant sur [[image:view-zoom-all.png|32px]]
#Sauvegarder votre fichier...
 h italiano (it)==Impostare la scena==
#Passare all'ambiente [[Robot Workbench/it|Robot]]
#Creare un nuovo documento scegliendo {{KEY| File }} → {{KEY| Nuovo }} dal menu principale
#Inserire un robot Kuka IR500 nella scena scegliendo {{KEY| Robot }} → {{KEY| Inserisci robot }} → {{KEY| Kuka IR500 }} dal menu principale
#Passare alla vista assonometrica cliccando su [[Image:View-axometric.png|32px]]
#Adattare la vista cliccando su [[Image:View-zoom-all.png|32px]]
#Salvare il file ...
 h polski (pl)==Przygotowanie sceny==
#Włącz Środowisko pracy [[Image:Workbench_Robot.svg|24px]] [[Robot_Workbench/pl|Robot]].
#Utwórz nowy dokument wybierając z menu głównego {{Button|Plik}} → {{Button|Nowy}}.
#Wstaw robota Kuka IR500 do sceny wybierając z menu głównego {{Button|Robot}} → {{Button|Wstaw roboty}} → {{Button|Kuka IR500}}.
#Przełącz się na widok aksonometryczny klikając na przycisk [[Image:View-axometric.svg|24px]].
#Przybliż, aby dopasować widok klikając na [[Image:Std_ViewFitAll.svg|24px]] przycisk [[Std ViewFitAll|Dopasuj rozmiar do okna]].
#Zapisz swój dokument...
 h română (ro)==Setting up the scene==
#Switch to the [[Robot Workbench]]
#Create a new document by choosing {{KEY| File }} → {{KEY| New }} from the top menu
#Insert a Kuka IR500 robot into the scene by choosing {{KEY| Robot }} → {{KEY| Insert Robots }} → {{KEY| Kuka IR500 }} from the top menu
#Change to axonometric view by clicking on [[Image:View-axometric.png|32px]]
#Zoom to fit all by clicking on [[Image:View-zoom-all.png|32px]]
#Save your file ...
 h русский (ru)[[Category:Tutorials/ru]]
 h Türkçe (tr)== Sahneyi ayarlama == 
# [[Robot Workbench/tr|Robot Tezgahı]] bölümüne geçin 
# Üst menüden {{KEY|Dosya}} → {{KEY | Yeni}} Seçerek yeni bir belge oluşturun.   
# Üst menüden {{KEY|Robot}} → {{KEY|Robot Ekle}} → {{KEY| Kuka IR500}} Seçerek sahneye bir Kuka IR500 robotu yerleştirin.   
#[[Image: View-axometric.png | 32px]] üzerine tıklatarak aksonometrik görünüme geçin. 
#[[Image: View-zoom-all.png | 32px | ]] tıklayarak görünümü ekrana uydurun
# Dosyanızı kaydedin ...