All translations

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Found 13 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h čeština (cs)* [[Interface Customization/cs|Přizpůsobení interface]]: Od začátku: Nástrojové pruhy a klávesové zkratky
* [[Macros/cs|Práce s makry]]: Pohodlný záznam často opakovaných úloh nebo Pythonovského kódu
 h Deutsch (de)* [[Interface Customization/de|Anpassung der Benutzeroberfläche]]: Beginnend mit dem Anfang: Werkzeugleisten und Tastaturkürzel
* [[Macros/de|Arbeiten mit Makros]]: Einfache Aufzeichnung häufig wiederkehrender Aufgaben oder von Python Code
* [[Macros_recipes/de|Makro Rezepte]]
* [[Customize_Toolbars/de|Anpassung der Werkzeugleisten]]
* [[Installing_more_workbenches/de|Weitere Arbeitsbereiche installieren]]
 h English (en)* [[Interface Customization|Interface Customization]]: Starting with the beginning: Toolbars and shortcuts
* [[Macros|Working with Macros]]: Easily record often repeated tasks or Python code
* [[Macros_recipes|Macros recipes]]
* [[Customize_Toolbars|Customize Toolbars]]
* [[Installing_more_workbenches|Installing more workbenches]]
 h español (es)* [[Interface Customization/es|Personalización de la interfaz]]: Empezando por el principio: Barras de herramientas y atajos de teclado
* [[Macros/es|Trabajando con Macros]]: Registrar fácilmente las tareas que se repiten con frecuencia o el código Python.
* [[Macros_recipes/es|Recetas de macros]]
* [[Customize_Toolbars/es|Personalizar barras de herramientas]]
* [[Installing_more_workbenches/es|Instalar más ambientes de trabajo]]
 h français (fr)* [[Interface Customization/fr|Personnaliser l'interface]] : Les fondamentaux : les barres d'outils et les raccourcis claviers.
* [[Macros/fr|Travailler avec les macros]] : Enregistrer facilement les actions répétitives ou du code Python
* [[Macros_recipes/fr|Liste de macros]]
* [[Customize_Toolbars/fr|Personnaliser la barre d'outils]]
* [[Installing_more_workbenches/fr|Installer plus d'ateliers]]
 h italiano (it)* [[Interface Customization/it|Personalizzare l'interfaccia]]: Cominciando dall'inizio: le barre degli strumenti e i tasti di scelta rapida
* [[Macros/it|Operare con le Macro]]: Registrare semplicemente le operazioni che vengono ripetute spesso o creare il codice Python
* [[Macros_recipes/it|Esempi di macro]]
* [[Customize_Toolbars/it|Personalizzare la barra degli strumenti]]
* [[Installing_more_workbenches/it|Installare ambienti aggiuntivi]]
 h 한국어 (ko)* [[Interface Customization|Interface Customization]]: 처음부터 시작: Toolbar 그리고 shortcuts
* [[Macros|Working with Macros]]: Easily record often repeated tasks or Python code
* [[Macros_recipes|Macros recipes]]
* [[Customize_Toolbars|Customize Toolbars]]
* [[Installing_more_workbenches|Installing more workbenches]]
* [ Plugin Loader]
* [ Addons installer.FCMacro]
 h polski (pl)* [[Interface Customization|Dostosowywanie interfejsu]]: zaczynając od początku: Paski narzędzi i skróty,
* [[Macros|Praca z makrami]]: łatwe nagrywanie często powtarzanych zadań lub kodu Pythona,
* [[Macros_recipes|Receptury makr]],
* [[Customize_Toolbars|Dostosuj paski narzędzi]],
* [[Installing_more_workbenches|Instalowanie większej liczby Środowisk pracy]],
 h română (ro)* [[Interface Customization]]: Pornind de la început: Bare de instrumente și comenzi rapide
* [[Macros|Working with Macros]]: Înregistrați cu ușurință sarcini repetate adesea sau cod Python
* [[Macros_recipes|Macros recipes]]
* [[Customize_Toolbars|Customize Toolbars]]
* [[Installing_more_workbenches|Installing more workbenches]]
* [ Plugin Loader]
* [ Addons installer.FCMacro]
 h русский (ru)* [[Interface Customization/ru|Настройка Интерфейса]]: Начиная с начала: Панели инструментов и ярлыки
* [[Macros/ru|Работа с макросами]]: Легкая запись часто повторяющихся задач или python кода
* [[Macros_recipes/ru|Рецепты макросов]]
* [[Customize_Toolbars/ru|Кастомизация панелей инструментов]]
* [[Installing_more_workbenches/ru|Установка дополнительных верстаков]]
 h svenska (sv)* [[Interface Customization/sv|Gränssnittsanpassning]]: Startar med början: Verktygslådor och genvägar
* [[Macros/sv|Arbeta med makron]]: Spela in ofta repeterade uppgifter eller pythonkod
 h 中文(中国大陆) (zh-cn)* [[Interface Customization|界面定制]]:  从头开始:工具栏和快捷方式
* [[Macros|用宏工作]]: 轻松录制多遍任务或Python代码
* [[Macros_recipes|宏菜单]]
* [[Customize_Toolbars|定制工具栏]]
* [[Installing_more_workbenches|安装更多工作台]]
* [ 插件装载器]
* [ Addons installer.FCMacro]
 h 中文(臺灣) (zh-tw)* [[Interface Customization|客製化介面]]: Starting with the beginning: Toolbars and shortcuts
* [[Macros|使用Marco]]: Easily record often repeated tasks or Python code
* [[Macros_recipes|Macros 範例]]
* [[Customize_Toolbars|客製化工具列]]
* [[Installing_more_workbenches|安裝更多的workbench]]
* [ 外掛程式載入器]
* [ Addons installer.FCMacro]