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 h Deutsch (de){{gloss}}

{{defn|defn=Siehe [[#Directed_Acyclic_Graph|Directed Acyclic Graph.]]}}

{{term|Degrees Of Freedom (DOF)}}  > Freiheitsgrade 
{{defn|defn=Die Anzahl von Möglichkeiten einer Geometrie in einer [[#Sketch|Skizze]] ihre Lage zu verändern. Haben wir z.B. eine Skizze, die einen Punkt enthält und auf diesen Punkt werden keine [[#Constraint|Randbedingungen]] angewendet, besitzt der Punkt zwei (nicht bestimmte) [[#DOF|Freiheitsgrade]], da er sich sowohl vertikal als auch horizontal frei bewegen kann. Dem entsprechend besitzt eine Skizze, die nur einen nicht Kreis ohne Randbedingungen enthält, drei [[#DOF|Freiheitsgrade]], da der Kreis und zusätzlich der Radius nicht festgelegt ist. Bewährte Praxis ist, eine Skizze so lange weitere Randbedingungen hinzuzufügen, bis keine (nicht bestimmten) [[#DOF|Freiheitsgrade]] mehr übrig sind, die Skizze also [[#Fully_Constrained|vollständig bestimmt]] ist.}}

{{term|Dependency Graph}}
{{defn|defn=Ein von FreeCAD unabhängiges Werkzeug, das benutzt wird, um die Abhängigkeiten der Konstruktionsobjekte im FreeCAD-Dokument untereinander grafisch darzustellen. Weitere Informationen finden sich auf der Wiki-Seite [[Std_DependencyGraph/de|Std Abhängigkeitsgraph]].}}

{{term|term=Difference}} -> Differenz
{{defn|no=1|defn=Das Ergebnis oder der Rest einer Subtraktion.}}
{{defn|no=2|defn=Eine [[#Boolean operation|Boolesche Verknüpfung]] im Arbeitsbereich Part, um eine Geometrie von einer anderen abzuziehen. Das Ergebnis ist ein [[#Cut|Cut]]-Objekt.}}

{{term|Directed Acyclic Graph}} (abgekürzt als "DAG")
{{defn|defn=Eine Art von [[#Dependency Graph|Abhängigkeitsgraphen]] in der alle Beziehungen der Objekte in linearer Weise ohne zyklische Abhängigkeiten aufeinander aufbauen. Beim Verfolgen eines DAGs gibt es keinen Weg von einem Objekt A zu irgendeinen anderen Objekt und dann wieder zurück zum selben Objekt. In FreeCAD muss der Graph eines Modells immer ein "DAG" sein.}}


{{defn|no=1|defn=Ein FreeCAD-[[#Workbench|Arbeitsbereich]] für hauptsächlich 2-dimensionales Arbeiten.}}
{{defn|no=2|defn=Formschräge (-Winkel) an einer Gussform, die das Entnehmen des fertigen Artikels ermöglicht. Siehe [[PartDesign_Draft/de|PartDesign Formschräge]].}}

{{term|term=Drawing}} > Zeichnung

{{defn|defn=Beschreibt die Darstellung von Geometrie durch zweidimensionale Ansichten. Wird als Kopie auch [[#Blueprint|Blaupause]] genannt.}}

 h English (en){{gloss}}
{{defn|defn=See [[#Directed_Acyclic_Graph|Directed Acyclic Graph.]]}}
{{term|Degrees Of Freedom}}
{{defn|defn=The number of ways geometry in a [[#Sketch|Sketch]] may vary. For example, if we have a Sketch consisting of only one point, and the point has no [[#Constraint|Constraints]] applied to it, the point has two [[#DOF|DOF]] because it is free to move both vertically and horizontally. Similarly, a Sketch consisting of only a single unconstrained circle has three [[#DOF|DOF]] because the circle can move vertically and horizontally and, additionally, the radius is not defined. It is good practice to constrain a Sketch until it has no [[#DOF|DOF]] remaining, in which case it is said to be [[#Fully_Constrained|Fully Constrained]].}}
{{term|Dependency Graph}}
{{defn|defn=A third-party graphing tool used to show how objects in a FreeCAD model use or are related to one another. For more information, refer to the [[Std_DependencyGraph|Dependency Graph]] Wiki page.}}
{{defn|no=1|defn=The result of, or remainder of, a subtraction.}}
{{defn|no=2|defn=A [[#Boolean_operation|Boolean Operation]] in the [[Part_Workbench|Part]] [[#Workbench|workbench]] which is used to subtract one geometry from another; it results in a [[#Cut|Cut]].}}
{{term|Directed Acyclic Graph}} (abbreviated as "DAG")
{{defn|defn=A type of [[#Dependency_Graph|Dependency Graph]] where the relationship of objects flows in a generally linear direction from start to end with no circular dependencies. When following a DAG there is no flow from one object A to any other objects and then back to that same object A again. In FreeCAD, a graph of the model must always be a DAG.}}
{{defn|defn=[[#Degrees_Of_Freedom|Degrees Of Freedom]]}}
{{defn|no=1|defn=A FreeCAD [[#Workbench|workbench]] used primarily for 2 dimensional work.}}
{{defn|no=2|defn=A relief angle on a mold to allow removal of the finished product. See [[PartDesign_Draft|PartDesign Draft]].}}
{{defn|defn=Describes a representation of geometry through the use of two-dimensional views. Also called plan or [[#Blueprint|blueprint]].}}
 h français (fr){{gloss}}
{{defn|defn=Voir [[#Directed_Acyclic_Graph|Directed Acyclic Graph.]] (Graphe Orienté Acyclique)}}
{{term|Degrees Of Freedom}}
{{defn|defn=Degrés de Liberté. Le nombre de manières dont une géométrie d'[[#Sketch|esquisse]] peut varier. Par exemple, si nous avons une esquisse constituée de seulement un point, et qu'à ce point aucune [[#Constraint|contrainte]] n'a été appliquée, alors ce point a deux [[#DOF|DOF]]. En effet, il est libre de se déplacer à la fois verticalement et horizontalement. De la même manière, une esquisse constituée d'un unique cercle non contraint a trois [[#DOF|DOF]] parce que ce cercle est libre de se déplacer à la fois verticalement et horizontalement et son rayon peut varier. C'est une bonne pratique de contraindre une esquisse jusqu'à ce qu'elle ne présente plus aucun [[#DOF|DOF]], dans ce cas, on dit qu'elle est [[#Fully_Constrained|entièrement contrainte]].}}
{{defn|defn=Outil graphique tiers utilisé pour montrer comment les objets d'un modèle FreeCAD sont utilisés ou sont liés les uns aux autres. Pour plus d'informations, reportez-vous à la page [[Std_DependencyGraph/fr|Graphique de dépendance]].}}
{{defn|no=1|defn=Le résultat, ou reste, après une soustraction.}}
{{defn|no=2|defn=Une [[#Boolean_operation|opération booléenne]] dans l'atelier Part qui soustrait une géométrie d'une autre; son résultat apparaît comme une [[#Cut|différence]].}}
{{term|Directed Acyclic Graph}} (acronyme : "DAG")
{{defn|defn=Un type de [[#Dependency_Graph|graphe de dépendance]] où les relations entre objets s'organisent de façon linéaire, du début à la fin, sans aucune dépendance circulaire. Si l'on parcourt un "DAG" on ne trouvera pas de chemin, ou relation, d'un objet A vers un ou plusieurs autres objets qui puisse revenir vers l'objet A. Dans FreeCAD, le graphe d'un modèle doit toujours être un "DAG".}}
{{defn|defn=[[#Degrees_Of_Freedom|Degrees Of Freedom]]}}
{{defn|no=1|defn=Un [[#Workbench|atelier]] de FreeCAD utilisé principalement pour le travail en 2 dimensions.}}
{{defn|no=2|defn=Angle de dépouille sur un moule afin de permettre le démoulage du produit final. Voir [[PartDesign_Draft/fr|PartDesign Dépouille]].}}
{{defn|defn=Décrit une représentation de la géométrie par l'utilisation de vues bidimensionnelles. Également appelé plan ou [[#Blueprint|blueprint]].}}
 h italiano (it){{gloss}}
{{defn|defn=Vedere [[#Directed_Acyclic_Graph|Directed Acyclic Graph.]]}}
{{term|Degrees Of Freedom}}
{{defn|defn=Il numero di modi in cui la geometria in uno [[#Sketch|Sketch]] può variare. Ad esempio, se abbiamo uno schizzo costituito da un solo punto e al punto non sono applicati [[#Constraint|Constraint]], il punto ha due [[#DOF|DOF]] perché è libero di spostarsi verticalmente e orizzontalmente. Allo stesso modo, uno schizzo costituito da un solo cerchio non vincolato ha tre [[#DOF|DOF]] perché il cerchio può spostarsi verticalmente e orizzontalmente e, inoltre, il raggio non è definito. È buona norma vincolare uno schizzo fino a quando non ha alcun [[#DOF|DOF]] rimanente, nel qual caso si dice che è [[#Fully_Constrained|Fully Constrained]].}}
{{term|Dependency Graph}}
{{defn|defn=Uno strumento grafico di terze parti utilizzato per mostrare come gli oggetti in un modello di FreeCAD utilizzano o sono correlati tra loro. Per ulteriori informazioni, fare riferimento alla pagina wiki [[Std_DependencyGraph/it|Grafico delle dipendenze]].}}
{{defn|no=1|defn=Il risultato o il resto di una sottrazione.}}
{{defn|no=2|defn=Una [[#Boolean_Operation|Boolean Operation]] in [[Part_Workbench/it|Part]] [[#Workbench|workbench]] che viene utilizzata per sottrarre una geometria da un'altra; risulta in un [[#Cut|Cut]].}}
{{term|Directed Acyclic Graph}} (abbreviato come "DAG")
{{defn|defn=Un tipo di [[#Dependency_Graph|Dependency Graph]] in cui la relazione degli oggetti scorre in una direzione generalmente lineare dall'inizio alla fine senza dipendenze circolari. Quando si segue un DAG non c'è flusso da un oggetto A a nessun altro oggetto e poi di nuovo allo stesso oggetto A. In FreeCAD, un grafico del modello deve essere sempre un DAG.}}
{{defn|defn=[[#Degrees_Of_Freedom|Degrees Of Freedom]]}}
{{defn|no=1|defn=Un [[#Workbench|Workbench]] di FreeCAD utilizzato principalmente per lavori bidimensionali.}}
{{defn|no=2|defn=Un angolo di sformo su uno stampo per consentire la rimozione del prodotto finito. Vedere [[PartDesign_Draft/it|PartDesign]].}}
{{defn|defn=Descrive una rappresentazione della geometria attraverso l'uso di viste bidimensionali. Chiamato anche piano o [[#Blueprint|Blueprint]].}}
 h română (ro)==D==
{{defn|defn=See [[#Directed Acyclic Graph|Directed Acyclic Graph.]]}} 
{{term|Degrees Of Freedom}}
{{defn|defn=The number of ways geometry in a [[#Sketch|Sketch]] may vary.  For example, if we have a Sketch consisting of only one point, and the point has no [[#Constraint|Constraints]] applied to it, the point has two [[#DOF|DOF]] because it is free to move both vertically and horizontally.  Similarly, a Sketch consisting of only a single unconstrained circle has three [[#DOF|DOF]] because the circle can move vertically and horizontally and, additionally, the radius is not defined.  It is good practice to constrain a Sketch until it has no [[#DOF|DOF]] remaining, in which case it is said to be [[#Fully Constrained|Fully Constrained]].}}
{{term|Dependency Graph}}
{{defn|defn=A third-party graphing tool used to show how objects in a FreeCAD model use or are related to one another.  For more information, refer to the [[Std_DependencyGraph|Dependency Graph Wiki page]]|.}}
{{defn|no=1|defn=The result of, or remainder of, a subtraction.}}
{{defn|no=2|defn=A [[#Boolean operation|Boolean Operation]] in the [[Part_Workbench|Part]] [[#Workbench|workbench]] which is used to subtract one geometry from another; it results in a [[#Cut|Cut]].}}
{{term|Directed Acyclic Graph}} (abbreviated as "DAG")
{{defn|defn=A type of [[#Dependency Graph|Dependency Graph]] where the relationship of objects flows in a generally linear direction from start to end with no circular dependencies.  When following a DAG there is no flow from one object A to any other objects and then back to that same object A again.  In FreeCAD, a graph of the model must always be a DAG.}}
{{defn|[[#Degrees_Of_Freedom|Degrees Of Freedom]]}}
{{defn|no=1|defn=A FreeCAD [[#Workbench|workbench]] used primarily for 2 dimensional work.}}
{{defn|no=2|defn=A relief angle on a mold to allow removal of the finished product. See [[PartDesign Draft]].}}
{{defn|no=1|defn=A FreeCAD [[#Workbench|workbench]] used to generate 2D representations of a model, also called drawings.}}
{{defn|no=2|defn=Describes a representation of geometry through the use of two-dimensional views. Also called plan or [[#Blueprint|blueprint]].}}