Documentazione del codice sorgente

From FreeCAD Documentation
Revision as of 18:43, 22 September 2014 by Renatorivo (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==== Costruire la documentazione del codice sorgente ====")

Il codice sorgente di FreeCAD è commentato per consentire la generazione automatica della documentazione html con Doxygen.

A coloro che vogliono seguire da vicino le ultime versioni SVN di FreeCAD o che provano a esplorare la parte C++, il primo sguardo al codice sorgente può dare l'impressione di esplorare un riccio: non si riesce a distinguere la testa dalla coda e non si sa davvero come prenderlo!

A complemento del Wiki, speriamo che la documentazione del codice sorgente possa alleviare questa sensazione, fornendo un punto di partenza e consentendo una facile navigazione attraverso le decine di file e directory.

Costruire la documentazione del codice sorgente

If you have Doxygen installed, it's very easy to build the doc. Go to your FreeCAD build directory, configure your sources with CMake, issue

 make DevDoc

and consult the resulting html files starting from Doc/SourceDocu/html/index.html (note: the DevDoc target is not valid for autotools builds)

By nature, source doc is, and will ever be, work in progress. Don't hesitate to rebuild as often as needed. If you fall upon blatant inadequacies, feel free to post on the forum (note: It is really fully checked with cMake build process only).

As an alternative, the doc is generated from time to time and accessible on sourceforge here

Integrate Coin3D documentation

On unix systems, it is possible to link Coin3D source documentation with FreeCAD's. It allows easier navigation and complete inheritance diagrams for Coin derived classes.

  • On Debian and derived systems:
- Install the package libcoin60-doc
- Uncompress the file /usr/share/doc/libcoin60-doc/html/coin.tag.gz
- Regenerate source documentation
You are up for offline browsing.
  • If you don't want to or can't install Coin doc package, the links will be generated to access coin doc online at, if doxygen tag file can be downloaded at configure time (wget).
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