Robot 6-Axis

From FreeCAD Documentation
Revision as of 19:15, 19 September 2009 by Jriegel (talk | contribs) (→‎Kinematic)

This Article is about bringing a Standard 6-Axis industry robot into FreeCAD for simulation

The description follows the Denavit-Hartenberg Parameter system, as also described in John J. Craigs book "Introduction to Robotics".

Example Kuka

The Kuka KR-16


3D applications
Segment Parameter Description
Base konfiguration

Omega1 = q1

d1 = 675 mm

a1 = 260 mm

Alpha1 = −90°

Segment 1

Omega2 = q2 - 90°

d2 = 0 mm

a2 = 680 mm

Alpha3 = 0°

Segment 2

Omega3 = q3

d3 = 0 mm

a3 = 0 mm

Alpha3 = 90°

Segment 3