
From FreeCAD Documentation
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Testează mai întâi

Înainte de a trece prin durerea de depanare utilizați Test framework pentru a verifica dacă testele standard funcționează corect. Dacă acestea nu se execută complet, este posibilă o instalare defectă.

Linie de Commandă

Depanarea debugging în FreeCAD este susținută de câteva mecanisme interne. Versiunea liniei de comandă a FreeCAD oferă câteva opțiuni pentru suportul de depanare.

Acestea sunt opțiunile recunoscute curent în FreeCAD 0.15:

Generic options:

 -v [ --version ]      Prints version string
 -h [ --help ]         Prints help message
 -c [ --console ]      Starts in console mode
 --response-file arg   Can be specified with '@name', too


 -l [ --write-log ]       Writes a log file to:
 --log-file arg           Unlike to --write-log this allows to log to an 
                          arbitrary file
 -u [ --user-cfg ] arg    User config file to load/save user settings
 -s [ --system-cfg ] arg  Systen config file to load/save system settings
 -t [ --run-test ] arg    Test level
 -M [ --module-path ] arg Additional module paths
 -P [ --python-path ] arg Additional python paths

Generarea unei Backtrace

Dacă rulați o versiune de FreeCAD de la marginea de sângerare a curbei de dezvoltare, aceasta poate să "se prăbușească". Vă puteți ajuta să rezolvați astfel de probleme furnizând dezvoltatorilor o "backtrace". Pentru a face acest lucru, trebuie să executați o "depanare de construire" a software-ului. "Debug build" este un parametru care este setat la timpul de compilare, deci va trebui fie să compilați FreeCAD însuși, fie să obțineți o versiune "debug" precompilată.

For Linux

Linux Debugging ---->


  • software package gdb installed
  • a debug build of FreeCAD (at this time only available by building from source)
  • a FreeCAD model that causes a crash

Steps: Enter the following in your terminal window:

$ cd FreeCAD/bin
$ gdb FreeCAD

GNUdebugger will output some initializing information. The (gdb) shows GNUDebugger is running in the terminal, now input:

(gdb) handle SIG33 noprint nostop
(gdb) run

FreeCAD will now start up. Perform the steps that cause FreeCAD to crash or freeze, then enter in the terminal window:

(gdb) bt

This will generate a lengthy listing of exactly what the program was doing when it crashed or froze. Include this with your problem report.

For MacOSX

MacOSX Debugging ---->


  • software package lldb installed
  • a debug build of FreeCAD
  • a FreeCAD model that causes a crash

Steps: Enter the following in your terminal window:

$ cd FreeCAD/bin
$ lldb FreeCAD

LLDB will output some initializing information. The (lldb) shows the debugger is running in the terminal, now input:

(lldb) run

FreeCAD will now start up. Perform the steps that cause FreeCAD to crash or freeze, then enter in the terminal window:

(lldb) bt

This will generate a lengthy listing of exactly what the program was doing when it crashed or froze. Include this with your problem report.

Python Debugging

For a more modern approach to debugging Python, at least on Windows, see this post in the Forum.

Here is an example of using winpdb inside FreeCAD:

  1. Run winpdb and set the password (e.g. test)
  2. Create a Python file with this content
 import rpdb2
 import FreeCAD
 import Part
 import Draft
 print "hello"
 print "hello"
 import Draft
  1. Start FreeCAD and load the above file into FreeCAD
  2. Press F6 to execute it
  3. Now FreeCAD will become unresponsive because the Python debugger is waiting
  4. Switch to the Windpdb GUI and click on "Attach". After a few seconds an item "<Input>" appears where you have to double-click
  5. Now the currently executed script appears in Winpdb.
  6. Set a break at the last line and press F5
  7. Now press F7 to step into the Python code of Draft.makeWire
Module Creation