
From FreeCAD Documentation

Tutorial steps

This template provides steps to be performed by the user when following the tutorial.


This template provides steps to be performed by the user when following the tutorial.

  • descr: An optional descriptive text that will appear on the wiki, but not in the tutorial when ran inside FreeCAD
  • goal1: A text that describes the goal to be reached by the user, such as "Open the preferences screen"
  • test1: Python code that must be evaluated for goal1. If it returns True, the goal is marked as done, otherwise not
  • goal2: An optional additional goal to be performed in a same step
  • test2: Python code that must be evaluated for goal2. If it returns True, the goal is marked as done, otherwise not


|goal1=Open the BIM setup screen
|test1=True if hasattr(FreeCADGui,"BIMSetupDialog") else False}}


Tutorial steps

Open the BIM setup screen
True if hasattr(FreeCADGui,"BIMSetupDialog") else False