FreeCAD: master e2f54c79

Author Committer Branch Timestamp Parent
shoogen yorik master 2014-08-13 09:28:51 master 3c7c04ca
Changeset improvements to exportDRAWEXE

load only MODELING module instead of ALL
show TypeId of unsupported Objects
use angel of revolution for cones
improve sweep output
support for point, vertex, Part and Draft Polygon
cache object names to reuse them in DRAWEXE
do not expode spine which are allready edges
don't try to make faces from arcs (if this failed in FreeCAD allready)

use rounded floats if they safe digits

Sometimes the floats seems to be rounded to twelve decimal
places. we round them if it allows so safe digigts.
round angles
mod - src/Mod/OpenSCAD/ Diff File