Released 2018-12-31
0003495: [Bug] Structure created using RHS preset is not visible in 3D view (yorik)
0003827: [Bug] Can not add panel in language different to english (yorik)
0003833: [Bug] Arch window object does not follow visibility of group or floorplan
0003001: [Feature] Option between creating the walls walltrace, as sketch or as draft (yorik)
0002747: [Feature] Sandwich panels (yorik)
0003247: [Feature] Allow to draw a beam/column directly, like walls (yorik)
0002556: [Feature] grid object refinements (yorik)
0003779: [Feature] Sketcher sketches cannot constrain to arch axis (yorik)
0003590: [Bug] Arch Py3 unicode problems (yorik)
0003558: [Bug] Arch Windows - Problem with Draft to Sketch (yorik)
0003478: [Bug] FreeCAD doesn't create walls (yorik)
0003430: [Bug] application crashes when create wall object from 2-point line or restangle (yorik)
12 issues View Issues