Released 2014-07-01
0001360: [Bug] [Arch] must be sip.simplewrapper, not PySide.QtGui.QWidget (wmayer)
0001377: [Bug] Error when create Window (yorik)
0001165: [Feature] Arch Stairs (yorik)
0000978: [Feature] Arch module - Multilayer walls (yorik)
0001313: [Feature] Add nodes sysyem to arch structural elements (yorik)
0000517: [Feature] Arch module - predefined styles (yorik)
0000730: [Feature] Arch module - "Build from faces" feature (yorik)
0000982: [Feature] Arch module - Space object (yorik)
0001167: [Feature] Fixtures subsystem for Arch objects (yorik)
0000981: [Feature] Arch module - Add placement to arch groups (yorik)
0000979: [Feature] Arch module - Inserts should move together with their host wall (yorik)
0000729: [Feature] Arch module - Auto-grouping (yorik)
0001003: [Feature] Arch module - Better structure tool (yorik)
0000947: [Bug] Window object does not update if it fully constrained in Arch module (yorik)
14 issues View Issues